Just as there are stones we cannot lift without the help of machines so there are philosophical problems whose solution will belong to the machines we build to solve them, not to us; to us the solution will not seem like a solution.
Just as there are stones we cannot lift without the help of machines so there are philosophical problems whose solution will belong to the machines we build to solve them, not to us; to us the solution will not seem like a solution.
Is it the world or us that is wrong? Perhaps nothing is wrong at all.
The most we may hope for are moments of near perfection.
Our machines will live and feel far more than us.
Even the greatest, semi-divine, rules of a society are but quaint colloquial conventions to the philosopher.
We could say that all life is functionally mad.
All our theories are really illusions and the best one may hope for is to be the least wrong it is possible to be.
Nothing is perfect except a lie (which is how one knows it is a lie).
Our reasonings are as biological as our emotions.
Had reality a point we would likely already have reached it by now; hence it probably doesn't.
The Truth has always been somewhat overrated.
Philosophy is the questioning of what cannot be questioned.
Reason and logic must have evolved from the unreasonable and the illogical.
In the house of philosophy there is no cellar; the stairs go down ad infinitum.
The world is a ready-made made by no-one.
The idea that we are an aberration is itself an aberration.
Just as an artist ought never be judged by his work, an artwork ought never be judged by the artist who happened to make it.
Philosophy: Not having ones cake nor eating it.
The greatest fiction ever thought up was the idea of the moral universe.
If mankind has some ultimate goal which he moves through history towards then perhaps penguinkind has a similar ultimate goal.
The role of art is to help us momentarily forget the absurdity of life.
Given that I had to be someone it is not all that remarkable that I turned out to be me.
A perfect theory of the world would not change it.
What does not change is not real.
Little did he know how little did he know.
The answer to every philosophical question is an action.
Nothing that lives is perfect and nothing perfect is real.
Plato, believing in perfection, saw change as illusion while Nietzsche, believing in change, saw perfection as illusion.
Suddenly Science blew up unexpectedly in God's all knowing face.
Fortunately it is not up to the human mind to determine what is possible.
Art is the future caught in the act of becoming.
Keeping things the way there were requires the greatest change.